Monday, August 30, 2010

One month photos!


definitely have her interest!

quite the poser already! ..she's a fast learner!
I'm one month!
My tiara...I'll grow into it!
snooze time aka, mamma-stares-at-me-time
I'm happiest on my changing table!
i'm just gonna chill here while you do your thing..  (her dress has her initials on it!)

okay, Mom, this is getting tiring!

One Month report on the Princess

leading off from the previous post...
So Landri is what doctors call a "barracuda" feeder...  when it's time to eat, she eats!  She sucks the milk down so fast, she often chokes herself, and has twice vomited all over me.  She also is a 'cluster feeder'...meaning, she eats a lot in a small time frame...  sometimes i feel i can't supply for the demand!
When she was one week old, she was in the 24th percentile for her height and weight class... and now after one month she has sky rocketed to the 83rd percentile in weight! ....that's my lil barracuda! :-)  She is starting to get some fat rolls too...seems there is an additional crease to clean more often.  Her chest is so tiny, yet her belly is so round, she is what i call pear shaped! ha.
Her height and head circumference are in the 50's percentile. 
She finally lost her 'raisen' and has an 'outtie' of a belly button, i asked the doctor if that would go down and become an 'innie'..  she assures me Landri will have a pretty belly button! ...b/c you know, I'm not a belly button person, and i just don't think i could handle an 'outtie' looking at me! 
Shon and I have fun deciding on what features she has of ours..  of course he claims all the best features are his, i agreed until..   One discussion was her toes.  Everyone thought she had my toes, because she can spread her toes out real wide (a very cool talent i might add).  She can honestly grip better with her toes than her fingers! ...But one day i looked down at Shon's feet and noticed Landri has Daddy's toes, just Mommies cool ability!  Everyone had commented on  how long her toes were... my boss even analyzed them, thinking she had an extra joint in her pinkie toe! haha.  ..well we know she won't be a foot model, b/c Daddy's feet aren't the prettiest! haha.
  Landri is developing really well, and fast from what people have said..  She is already holding her head up, and her legs are super strong, she almost rolled over the other day!  I think it's from all the practice she gets from being Daddy's puppet.  Landri has quite the different dances and movements down!  ...all she needs is the instrument.. She can play the guitar, drums, piano, and my favorite, hula hoop!  I'm going to get this one on video and post!  I think it's hysterical!  Shon is also so much better at adding sound effects to her many facial expressions.  She is also starting to smile and can track movements better, these i see progress daily!  So rewarding!
  I think that about wraps up the one month report..  I will post some pictures next.

Elaine, Shon, Landri ...and the other three 4-legged siblings.

First paranoid moment as a Mom!

My first paranoid mother moment:
I still don't think this is all that funny (more embarrassing), however, Shon thinks it's pretty comical, and makes sure everyone that comes over to visit hears about Landri's 'brain tumor'! oi!  So i better go ahead and let the world know. ;-P
Landri had been projectile vomiting in the mornings, i mean projectile!...just like the movies!  The first time she did it, I put my hand up to block it, and it shot back in her face, THAT's how projectile it was...whoopsy.   So anyway, she did it again 5 days later, but i had brushed it off as, she was just drinking too fast.  I'd also read (that's my problem, I'm one to 'self-diagnose') that she could have just had a big air bubble and it all came back up with it.. ok, no big deal..  Then i read in another chapter of the book that vomiting only in the morning, is not normal 'morning sickness', and could possibly be a brain tumor, ie, water on the brain, IF also there is a soft bulge on her head that doesn't seem to be disappearing!  Well, let me tell you, she DOES have a soft bulging spot on her head, that doesn't seem to be going anywhere, she's had it since birth and is not where her soft spot is..  Oh yeah, the tears came flowing, i freaked baby has a brain tumor! ...but she seemed so perfect!  After i thought i had gained composure, i call Shon, and immediately start balling again, i could barely read from the book.  To appease me, he agreed i should call the doctor.   After talking on the phone with the Dr. Assistant, i realize how silly i may sound.  But she wanted me to bring her in, so she could feel the 'bulge'.  She was aware of it, but wanted to check it out.
Well, come to find out...if there is indeed water on the brain, it is actually where the soft spot is, so what she has isn't even related. Whew!  What her bulge is, is a hematoma from her head being stuck in the birth canal...and it is actually shrinking in size (i hadn't really noticed, since i feel it everyday).
So, long over-dramatic story short...Landri is still perfect, no brain tumor!  ;-)   And i'm happy to report, she hasn't thrown up since...i just don't let her suck it down as if she-hasn't-eaten-in-days.  Landri is what doctors catagorize her as a "baracuda" feeder!...which leads into the next post..

Monday, August 23, 2010

Black and Whites by Olivia 12 days old.

Our good friend Olivia, who is an amazing artist & photographer, came over to play and took some photos of the Princess.   12 days old.  Enjoy.

Finally up to date! Landri Picture time!

Today marks Landri's one month of life!  It's been the best 4 weeks of my life i think!  Landri is such a joy, i have no complaints thus far!  She nurses well, sleeps at night 3-4 hours at a time and only fusses if she's hungry.  I have really enjoyed being with her all the time.  She is a happy baby for sure! 
I have to give Landri all the credit though, she sure is a sport as Shon and I learn the ropes to parenting!  We are having a blast though! 
Things that would normally gross me out have now become cute and Shon anyway! :-) 
I can report that i have been pooped & pee'd on..  sneezed in my face & the winner thus far: projectile vomitted on!  I really feel like a Mom now.  I can say though, that thing of an umbillical cord, which i named the raisin did gross me out the first 2 weeks!  I'm not a belly button person at all, so that was Shon's duty.
Shon has taken to giving her her baths as well, so sweet!  They are getting quite the routine down!
The animals are adjusting.. Mystee (Rotweiller/German Shepard) is doing the best, and she is the most skittish, i am quite suprised on how well she is doing with the new baby in the house.  She comes and sniffs if Landri starts crying, just to make sure she is really is okay.  The kitties, Orion & Mars on the other hand are taking the more hands off approach..  I feel bad b/c those were my babies, and now i have really neglected them..  my lap is no more the kitties.    It was funny when we brought Landri home, the cats just sat outside her door trying to figure this new thing/noise out!  (see pic below).

Here are some other pics, enjoy!

bathtime with daddy, all snuggled up in her robe after.
the many faces of Landri

all smiles...before she passes out.

nice and relaxed...

3 weeks old

lil Miss Cupcake  3.5 weeks.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Going back in time...Maternity Photographs

Shon and I had some maternity pictures taken when i was 8 months pregnant.  We just recently got the images back (after Landri arrived), but we are very happy with the results, so it was worth the wait!  We took our pictures at Mayfield Park in Austin.  The park is absolutely beautiful, and a perfect outdoor setting for any photography!  Kudos to our photographer: Melissa Glynn  she did an amazing job!
This link has all our photos, but here are some of our favorites!

Enchanting with a touch of whimsy...Landri's Nursery

Here are pics of Landri's Nursery!
I have to give Kudos to my parents for passing on their crafty genes to me, i sure hope Landri gets them too!
I picked out all the fabrics, and Mom made all the fabric stuff...bedding, curtains, pillows, everything!  Dad made the cradle for me when i was a baby!  So it's 31 years old, and still in incredible shape, there are no nuts and bolts holding it together, only 4 pins!  It's still so beautiful!   And i made the mobile above the changing table, and the painting on the wall.  The collage painting mimics one of the fabrics.   Her nursery makes me happy and i really enjoy being there looking out the windows, i hope she enjoys her room as much as Mommy does!
cradle Landri will use for next couple of months before moving to crib. Mars the kitty is in window sill.

Mr. Spud is Landri's first 'teddy bear'.  Shon is from Idaho!  This was actually found at my Uncle's house in New Mexico.

white branch w/leaves mobile above changing table

changing table w/fancy pillows.  One is a quilt pattern, the other has Landri's name embroidered.

Where we spend our evenings.

Collage painting.