Wednesday, July 21, 2010

6 days til big day?!

I guess i should start 'blogging' while i'm still pregnant, that was the whole intention... i'm still good though, i have SIX days left til my due date! ha!
I have been however keeping a written journal with +/- weekly entries as well as my weight, and body measurements...  need to get in one last measurement too!  All i can say is LARGE bout sums it up!
Most people only relate to weight gained, so i'm happy to share that as i'm holding steady at 20lbs gained total!  ...and don't say i'm 'lucky' or it's 'good genes'  because gosh darn it, i've worked at it!  I ate right, didn't have any crazy late night cheeseburger cravings (however did crave sweets, but only ate in moderation!)  I continued to work out 3+ times a week as well as pick up a pre-natal yoga class once a week on top...  not that this contributed, but i continued to play volleyball well into my 4th month. 
I also didn't get any morning sickness, heartburn, indegestion, swelling, high blood pressure or anything like that... the most severe prego symptom i had was constipation...i know, so severe! haha.   Overall, i'm very thankful for a very smooth pregnancy!  I am however ready for this lil munchkin to get out of my belly!!  I would like to enjoy laying down and sleeping again, or tying my shoes with out letting out a series of grunts!  I know, i sleep is coming, but at least the small incriments of sleep that i will be getting will be in a comfortable position!  ;-)
 Okay, nough about me...   lets see, the nursery is 99% done.. Shon says that it'll never be done, b/c i am always changing things... but i know it will be done for long time once i get the bed skirt on, the table lamp trimmed out and the ribbon tie backs for the curtains (all of which Mom is bringing me when she comes for the big arrival).  So THEN i will post pics of the nursery.  But i will tell ya, it's so darn precious and i truly enjoy just 'being' in there!  I will sit and rock and just stare outside.  Shon has even practiced snoozing while rocking the cradle at the same time.  haha
Pics: nursery colors/fabrics, we painted and added wainscotting, a collage painting i did for Landri

  What else.. oh yea, Shon and I had 'maternity' pictures taken when i was 35 weeks at a beautiful park here in Austin.  We are anxiously awaiting the pictures though!  Our photographer says one more week..  fingers crossed!

  We also took a 'babymoon' vacation in April... i was around 26 weeks at that time.  We drove up to Nashville for a week and it was an awesome trip!  We did all kinds of things and took a day trip to Chatanooga as well.  It was a much needed vacation for the both of us!  During our long drive we discussed baby names for our lil princess and after narrowing down from a book of thousands of names to 10 or so, we choose the name Landri.  However the spelling was up in the air so we collected votes..and the "I" at the end won out, and i'm glad... (the I was Shon's idea).  After many people said LANDREY looked too much like LAUNDRY  or that you only see girl names ending with I,  we didn't really need the votes anymore!   And LANDRY was a last name spelling, so that was out.   The middle name however was really easily decided upon!  KYLEEN, which is derived from our middle names: Kyle & Kathleen.  ...we think we're pretty clever! ;-P

Me at 31.5 weeks:


I was thrown a beautiful baby shower by such wonderful family & friends!  The theme was a tea party!  The picture i'm attaching is me with my best high school friends that came down to play with me, and me and Mom. I'm 35.5 weeks here.

Shon is really excited and talks to Landri daily, tells her she needs to hurry up, because he's ready to meet her and play with her!   I'm so proud of him already and know he'll be the best dad ever!  He was so involved with my pregnancy, it was awesome!  he knew more about what stage of development Landri was in than i did!  He went to all but two appointments and actively engaged in the medical terminology with the Dr.

I can't believe how much just came to mind, ...and i was thinking i didn't have really that much to say!
So i think that is a good summary of the past 39 weeks!    I'll try and post one more picture of me bout to pop..
My next post will i'm sure be the announcement, or either me ranting about how my daughter is already just like me... LATE to everything!! haha

Elaine, Shon & Landri.