Tuesday, May 17, 2011

3 months of updates!!

Sooo, I typed this at 8 months, never got her pictures organized, and now look, she’s now 9.5 months old! I’ll update from the past 1.5 months in italics..
Yikes, I can’t believe 3 months has gone by already!...now 4.5 months!
Our lil munchkin is still “lil”  …she hasn’t really grown much lately..  Her growth has been in her height and not weight..she’s already shed all that chunky monkey she had goin on!  At her 9mo. check up, since her 6 mo. check up, she’d only gained one pound, but grew 2 inches.  Her weight dropped to 40% and height 79%...funny I remember when she was 99% weight at 2-3 months! She eats everything, and is perfectly healthy. 
She is still toothless as well, I personally can’t complain.     I do hear the later they cut teeth, the easier it is on them, so that’s promising!  Not anymore!  She has 2 bottom teeth coming in! 
She’s not crawling either.  I will tell ya though, she sure is a squirmy lil bug!  She sits like a champ and plays well by herself.  She is really good at doing push-ups too!  I’m quite impressed!  She is soooo darn close to crawling, everytime she leans forward, we think it’s IT, but she just backs herself down..  She likes to stand up holding on to you too and dance!
She is fascinated with the animals more now too…she gets so excited to see the cats and dog!
I have really enjoyed making all fruits & veggies foods too!  Landri definitely is tasting the rainbow.  She is a fantastic eater, pretty persistant too.  The only thing she has made a funny face with is avocados!  She will eat it, but makes a face everytime, of course very entertaining for us!  She’s on to eating pureed meats as well with no problem.
She likes water too…her first attempts at a sippy cup were not pleasant, so I tried using just a normal glass…which she LOVED!  You have to watch this video, she gets so excited!  It’s hilarious how she laps up the water like a dog! This video also shows how funny it is when she puts on her temper tantrum show!  This video was when she was 6.5 months or so.
Speaking of water, she has learned to splash in the bath!  I could almost mop the entire kitchen after she’s done! 
I taped this video to send to Shon while he was overseas in Bahrain for 3 weeks in February, doing his annual training.  The day he got there is when they had Bahrain in the news for riots & demonstrations!  Luckily they were not in the same area.  During this time he was gone Landri was definitely more fussy…which I didn’t put it together until he returned…she really knew he was gone, b/c she has not acted the same since he got home!  I was very thankful that my parents came for a week in the middle to help out!
Now that the weather is so nice, we spend a lot of time outside swinging on our porch swing and can easily spend an hour out there!  She absolutely loves it!  Shon and I look forward to doing many family things outside this Spring/Summer.  We spend most Saturdays outside at some festival going on around! Landri loves to people watch and takes in all the sites in her stroller.
Landri sure is 'talking' more and more!  She can clap, and wave 'bye-bye' now too!  We're working on her blowing kisses now. :-)
As I’m long overdue, here are many photos to catch up with!  They are chronological up to today.

funny after bathtime face

We like to read together

my cute hat Auntie Rebecca made for me!

Hanging out with Uncle Eric

he found my tickle spot!

all my yummy food my Mom makes for me!

day at the park with Daddy

Easter Sunday... my first egg hunt!

Uncle Eric, Aunt Jess & Jess' Mom, Marian

(i love when she sits like this)

getting ready for bathtime fun!

outside fun!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

5 months!

I am caught back up on my updates! Landri turned 5 months, Dec. 27th...the time is flying by!
As i look back at her 2 & 3 month photos and now...she has really thinned out!  She no longer has 2 chins! She is eating cereal with bananas twice a day now, but no other foods yet..  she really hasn't shown an interest.  She has only grown 1/4" this month and only gained 4 OUNCES!...not pounds, like past months! haha!
It's pretty awesome to see her developing more and more each week!  She now grabs things and loves to play with my face! She has quite the grasp...ouchie!  She is doing great at almost sitting up...she definitely can pull her self up and then over onto her face!  She just found her toes the other night and is fascinated...i'm waiting to catch them in her mouth!  She is more ticklish too and likes to play 'peek-a-boo'.  We just can't get enough of her!!  All this time with her over the holidays has been so rewarding! 
We tried to put Landri in her 'jenny jump up'...but she just isn't having it!  I figured she would love it..well she does love it ...when you bounce her for her!...she hasn't figured out how to bounce herself just yet.  she is like a ballerina and just spins around on her toes!  It's funny how the thing swallows her up!
We got to visit with a lot of family on my Dad's side over the holiday as well, and Landri got to meet her 2nd cousin Macy..  They just loved eachother!!

'ahhh, get me outta this thing!!'
'whew...much better when you bounce me!'
Landri & Macy
cute hugs!

Christmas time!

We had a wonderful Christmas in Cleburne with my parents!  We took Landri to the Christmas eve service and she did great...she was jibber jabbering away when the service started, and as soon as we started to stand and sing, she made sure she was heard and was singing with us!  Then come sermon time, she took a little nap and woke up in time for communion and the candle light part.  ...a typical church goer! ha!
Here are some pics of our day..

christmas eve
yawns with Daddy
Christmas morning..."i'm not touching it.."
she was the best present of all!!
all the stockings hung with care..
Eric is boxed in!
Landri opening her stocking
Here's some pics of what we got excited about! ....
Shon put on his list "lifetime supply of Mtn Dew" ..for most of us, that IS a lifetime supply!
i got a Cricut cutting machine!!..now to find the time!

Jess opening a Pyrex set...
and Eric is so excited! ..Landri not so much.  haha
Shon was occupied the rest of the day on his new Kindle.
Landri telling Grandma & Granddaddy a story.
and telling Uncle Eric the same story..."it was thiiiiis big!"
some afternoon drool time!
i  love my 'naked baby' time!!
naptime with all my babies!